We provide a haven of hope for teens in crisis with comprehensive services to ensure long-term success and prevent homelessness.
Did You Know?
Hope Harbor is the only privately funded youth shelter in California providing longer term care to ensure longer term success.
Stories Of Hope
Our mission is providing a home for teens in crisis, transforming lives, and strengthening families.
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Hope Harbor Teen Shelter Homes

Sea Glass Girls Home
Hope Harbor Sea Glass is an award-winning, family-centered, six-bed home, nestled in a cozy, residential neighborhood. The home serves teen girls, ages 12-17, who are at risk of running away, homelessness, criminalization, or human trafficking.

Rip Tide Boys Home
Hope Harbor Ripe Tide is a family-centered, six-bed home, located in a beautiful, residential neighborhood. The home serves teen boys, ages 12-17, who are at risk of running away, homelessness, criminalization, or human trafficking.