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Sofia’s Story

Sofia was born in Mexico and placed in an orphanage when she was just a baby. Her mom couldn’t take care of her and her siblings because of money problems. Her dad abused drugs and alcohol and physically hurt her mom. After seven years at the orphanage, Sofia was reunited with her mom and moved to the US.

When Sofia entered 6th grade, her mental health took a turn for the worse. Sofia looked mature and started to compare herself to other girls. She started to dislike herself and became depressed. Eventually, Sofia starting cutting herself, using drugs, ditching school, and running away from home.

After a short stay at an emergency youth shelter, Sofia and her mom were told about Hope Harbor. Immediately Sofia felt loved and wanted when she moved in. “I was given a second chance and I am so grateful for that.” Hope Harbor helped Sofia improve her relationship with her mom, taught them positive communication skills, established healthy boundaries, and resolved the deeper-rooted issues that led to Sofia’s crisis.