Jacky had a loving family and no negative obstacles preventing her from being the healthiest, happiest person she could be. But in high school, Jacky started hanging out with the wrong crowds, was in an unhealthy relationship with an older guy, and was the middleman for drugs on campus. “I made life messy for myself.” Jacky was soon caught on campus with drugs and sent to complete a drug program through California Youth Services (CYS), a long-time partner of Hope Harbor, which provides education, assessment, intervention, treatment, and resources for individuals impacted by life’s challenges. Those counselors referred Jacky to Hope Harbor. After being kicked out of school, the therapist at CYS referred her parents to Hope Harbor.
While at Hope Harbor, Jacky found structure, a safe environment, and created positive bonds with her house sisters and house parents. “I was living with other girls who were struggling like me. We learned as a family how to stay away from trouble, use logic, and move beyond our struggles.” This was the second chance that Jacky needed to make real changes.
Since leaving Hope Harbor, Jacky has found true love and given birth to a baby girl. “I am super happy in life and have found a new level of appreciation for my family, friends, and life itself.” Jacky was given the skills to learn how to be the healthiest person for herself and her family, appreciate the minimal amount of time life gives us, and positively influence others.